So lost… The prescription cough aid has eradicated my though plate. The hunger for knowledge has been blown away due to the heavy marijuana use, once sharp as a piranha tooth… now I decimate under heavy pressure like Obama’s boots. My youth has grown into molded fruits, my dreams have been reduced to channel 5 and 7 news. Once a poetic stringer now reduced to an auto-tune singer humming tunes that equal the relevance of prunes. Shit shit and shit. I am jarred, I am expired, I am on sale at the local flee market. I am the cardboard box and the homeless man sleeps on me. I am sleep walking on the president’s lawn, with a hangover lasting till dawn with the same shirt ironed by mom, deleted by Tom and kicked out of prom. Failing falling forever. I am never I am ever? Will I ever?
Maybe Never.
Farri$ Rockz
Artwork By Malachi Cameron.
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