Farri$ Rockz!
Rain Drops on My Eye Lids,
Eyes in the socket envisioning imprisonment, ignorance, belligerent immigrants, picketing and bickering about the taxes, the border, the stocks, the oil, the welfare, the crops, the black man, the cops, the rocks, the order of oppression, the odor of depression, fumes of the economy, an anomaly of the human race taking place in the basement of safe men who classify race and displace cures and answers dirty minds in loads of hampers. Bleaching the idea of impeachment, tyranny for a tyrant, the irony of retiring is making it to your 60’s the option of six speeds and only being able to die in one.
Slave master yelling come here boy only to here a response of I am not your son. Cops pulling the same boy over and telling the officer I am not the one, I will not step out of the vehicle so you can so accidently rub my legs and grab my crouch to see if I’m holding. I will not remain silent and I do not have any weapons that may assist in the senseless act of violence. I will not be put in a cage and be offered milk and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich while the man sitting next to me killed two children. I will no longer slow down at yellow lights, only to be pulled over regardless of my record is clean or my car is better than yours or my rims are bigger then a garbage can.
Say I’m a fool, u probably can, say I never voted u probably can, say I cared for a democrat or a republican you probably can’t, imagine what it feels like to hold a trillion dollars in Africa and give it away to the rich while stepping over the kids in famine and fathom the tragedy of poor babies dying and hell on earth is reality. Water is a dream a bottle is a king; a cloud is an angel, or just a dream . Why Cry Kid there are Bigger PROBLEMS. While the....
Rain drops on my eye lids.
Farri$ Rockz.