Did Cali really legalize weed???

not diggin the lyrics but... I Love This Beat.
Sounds like a millie ehh. Mike Jones and Gucci Gucci sound good tho.
An Ever So-UN-Clear Brain Leak of the day.
So lost… The prescription cough aid has eradicated my though plate. The hunger for knowledge has been blown away due to the heavy marijuana use, once sharp as a piranha tooth… now I decimate under heavy pressure like Obama’s boots. My youth has grown into molded fruits, my dreams have been reduced to channel 5 and 7 news. Once a poetic stringer now reduced to an auto-tune singer humming tunes that equal the relevance of prunes. Shit shit and shit. I am jarred, I am expired, I am on sale at the local flee market. I am the cardboard box and the homeless man sleeps on me. I am sleep walking on the president’s lawn, with a hangover lasting till dawn with the same shirt ironed by mom, deleted by Tom and kicked out of prom. Failing falling forever. I am never I am ever? Will I ever?
Maybe Never.
Written By Farri$ Rockz