Who the hell told Jay-Z that d.o.a was hot? No No No Mr. Hov. That was completely terrible. OHh Mannn I hope Blueprint 3 isnt gonna be like this.
Echoes of obliteration chasing the present of my future eradicating my dreams, I lean like fat kids in expensive jeans, I'm just one tough Oreo looking for the cream. What about the glory though? Is it what it all seems? Is it what we all need? Is that why we all bleed and breathe? Success nonetheless to dispossess and disinherit all our spirits so coherent so we hear it and we fear it but we need it like we need a light to smoke away the thoughts and drink away the pain, ink in our blood so they never take our names in vein. Are we just superficial inhabitants inhabiting a rabbit’s brain just hopping on a train to take us to the holy grail of what we created in the rain? If its paper and its ink and its paint and its brushes why does the negativity compile SO VIOLENTLY and try to rush us? They say FUCK US so we FUCK EM’ tracing our patterns but all these false atoms could never create matter. All the posers are imposing but their eyes are their clothing and what we can create can pierce their face like a nose ring. Where’s our gold ring? Are we not champions? Please congratulate the winners, all the negative is gobble gobble like a turkey dinner. Praying that we fail but we were born beyond beginners and we’re right under their nails like a tired ass splinter and we move and we move and we move can we lose? The presence is pinpoint like what’s a dart?
If the flame he creates accidently tears him apart see his name in lights, Headline “I AM REBEL- I AM ART”
Written By Farri$ Rockz